A few years back, I worked at Square, one of the largest companies in North America, doing network marketing for the company. At that time, there was a company called SQLEditor that helped the company with their data entry. The employees were not able to enter their data into the computer without it converting to the correct format, and thus they had to convert the Excel table to a CSV file, which Square calls an Excel Workbook. This software is available to the home-based and small business owners for free.
This software comes with many functions and features such as automatically creating a SQL injection when importing one or more databases, converting standard tables into SQL, etc. It is simple to use and allows you to convert most any table into a fully functional, integrated database. If you are wondering how a regular table would look like after converting to SQL, just imagine how the diagrams would look, and how much easier it would be to connect to the various databases and the applications. The programs come with over 100 freely customizable diagrams. This software also comes with a free technical support service for life time with no limit. Another nice feature of the software is that you can import any number of source databases including, MS ACCESS, ODBC, PLSQL, etc., and have them automatically converted into a sql database.
In my opinion, this is one of the best tools that a small business could have. With little or no training, it is easy to convert any of your source databases into an sql database which makes it compatible to connect to the rest of your applications. It would allow you to have all the benefits of an enterprise level database without the high costs, and could be run on a small amount of money. There are many free web resources where you can find more information on how to use the sqleditor effectively in your projects. If you are considering a web based project management tool, then I highly recommend sqleditor.